In the blink of an eye...
They're off to college. The idea of sending your child into the world outside of your home life can seem daunting and as a parent, you're tempted to take control of the situation. Nick's experience and one-on-one style takes the anxiety out of college admissions while centering the process around your kid's needs and your family's priorities.
Since families have individual needs, NA Consultants, Inc. can provide various services based on an hourly fee of $225. This fee includes an hour of telephone consultations and informational emails. Since the college admission process is one that includes a detailed process that includes:
Personal and Academic Inventory
College Search
Organization and Timeline of Paperwork
Activity Resume
Interview Process
Essay Review
College Acceptance and Enrollment
It is highly recommended that a minimum of 12 sessions be scheduled so that the process is a continuum. It should be noted that college listings cannot be determined without a personal child inventory and a complete analysis of the child’s academic profile. Nick is committed to continuous support of the family from the application process to the acceptance stage.
In addition to the college application process, NA Consultants, Inc. offers specialized services to students with special needs and students transferring to other colleges. In these instances, sessions can be tailored to individual needs and expenses. Highly experience and credited specialists are available on a referral basis and ready to assist with all related matters pertaining to these specialized services.